Is fruit juice bad for your teeth? For people thinking about sugar and tooth decay, this is a common concern and question.
Many mothers give their children fruit juices in lieu of candy and colas thinking that the benefits available in in fruit, such as vitamin C and antioxidants are better for them. They are right! Drinking juice lowers the risks of cancers, heart disease, and other diseases like Alzheimer’s. However, the sugar in fruit juice makes them problematic in many ways.
It’s the Sugar
Everyone knows by now that sugar is harmful to your teeth and gums. The reason being that it feeds the bacteria already in your mouth, increases the number, and transforms into acid that wears down teeth and creates cavities. Plaque build-up on the tooth and along the gumline irritates the gums and also leads to periodontitis (gum disease), and this can eventually lead to tooth loss.
Enamel Wears Away
More fragile than it may seem, the enamel on your tooth is adversely affected by acids already in the mouth, and can wear even even quicker from the more concentrated acid found in fruit juices. For example, cranberry juice is more acidic than vinegar. Many people who give fruit juice to their family believe that at least it is better than soda, but in side-by-side comparisons, fruit juice is found to be even more acidic and to cause more damage. In many studies, orange juice decreases the hardness of teeth and makes the surface rough, which makes them more prone to sticky plaque and cavities.
Limit Fruit Juice Consumption
The answer to the question above is that to prevent tooth damage, you must limit the amount of fruit juice you allow you and your child to consume. Instead, eat whole fruit that includes all of the natural pulp and skin of the fruit which helps to counterbalance the sugar. And don’t forget to brush and floss daily!
If you’re worried about tooth decay from sugar in your diet, call Dr. Peter Gurr for more information. Please contact The Dentists for Kids to make an appointment at: 210-696-2563, or come by our office in San Antonio, Texas.